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Rainbow Bridge Hospice Rescue: Providing comfort and dignity to dogs at the end of their journey


For the second year in a row, we have Rainbow Bridge Hospice Rescue joining us at Spring Fling. This group, founded in may of 2022, focuses on dogs who need hospice care, those who are at the end of their lives and need support, love, and care for the time they have left.

Most of these dogs are suffering from expensive medical issues and while treatment options may exist, they can be too expensive for many people to afford. That leads the dogs to be surrendered to shelters, where they are often euthanized because of their condition. Shelters have very few resources and many animals to care for so in order to help as many pets as possible, they have to make hard decisions. Additionally, they may not have the ability to keep up with medication schedules or the rigorous care that some medical conditions require.

This is where Rainbow Bridge Hospice Rescue steps in. They take those dogs into their care and do what others are not able to, for as long as the dog remains comfortable. Many can have a good quality of life until their time comes to cross the rainbow bridge and that is exactly what they get at Rainbow Bridge Hospice Rescue. Occasionally, adopters are found who are willing and able to take on the care of these special-needs dogs, but for the most part, they will remain with Rainbow Bridge Hospice Rescue until they cross the bridge.

Founder, Terri, has always been drawn to the ones who need the most care, the ones with missing legs, deformed kidneys, no eyes, one eye, missing an ear, no teeth, heartworm positive, saved from Korean meat markets and similar situations. She and her husband have been helping dogs since 2011, when Terri first got Princess Reagan Marie, a shih-tzu that was rescued in extremely poor condition from a breeder who was arrested for the horrible conditions her dogs were kept in.

Chuck and Junior, pictured here, are two dogs in the rescue now. These brothers are estimated to be 7-8 years old and came into the rescue with a horrible skin infection. If you want to help these boys and others like them you can make a donation on the rescue's website.

You can follow their work and see the dogs in their care on Facebook and Instagram.


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