Spots and Stripes Forever Rescue is a new-to-Spring-Fling rescue group that we are excited to welcome this year!
"We are a small rescue based out of Sanford North Carolina. We are home to dogs and cats who were in local kill shelters, and we have equines (donkeys, mules, and horses) who were saved from the feed lots bound for Slaughter. We rely on the public's donations to pay our feed bills, hay bills, vet bills, and farrier bills."
Located on a farm in Lee County, this rescue is home to dogs and cats as well as equines. They also utilize foster homes so that they can help more dogs and cats. As often as possible, these animals are adopted out into loving homes. Sometimes though, a suitable home cannot be found, and, in that case, the animal will have a loving home at Spots and Stripes Forever Rescue for the rest of their life.
You can learn more about Spots and Stripes Forever Rescue by visiting their booth at Spring Fling and checking out their website. You can also follow them on their Facebook page to keep up with their activities!